What a beautiful light Gilda’s Club gave me… I am Ellen and I was an art therapy intern from Edgewood College for this past year. It came the time in my undergraduate program where I was sent out to learn about the power of expressive and therapeutic art in a community. While, as most may agree, new experiences can be scary at first, however, the members and staff at Gilda’s welcomed me with warmth. 

My goals during my internship were to truly see how therapeutic art could be for a community like Gilda’s Club and to learn about how to explore with, and learn from such beautiful and wise souls at Gilda’s. I led various groups that encouraged members to reflect through art, express uniquely,  share their stories and voices in a very empowering way. I saw true spirit, power, courage, and wisdom through their art and creativity. I began to really understand that, perhaps, there are times in our lives where our creative spirit needs to shine and our voices need to be heard, whether that be through brushstrokes, pencil marks or just seeing our lives in a different color.

This experience has given me light to continue on with my path to attend graduate school. I plan to follow my dreams of being a mental health counselor or art therapist. I feel so honored to have been given the chance to mark such a wonderful chapter in my life with Gilda’s. 

I am gifting my art as a way to reflect the true light that was given from from my experience. It symbolizes a radiant light I shall hold onto forever.

-Ellen Bass, Art Therapy Intern


Is what you gave

Is who you are

Your light

Has shown the way

When “the way” seemed afar

Your light

Has warmed my heart

And given me hope

Your light

Will never part

And will never go…

Your light

Gives me light

A light I shall hold