Getting a cancer diagnosis is different when you’re under age 40. You may feel isolated, and your needs and experiences are different than someone who is a young child or an older adult. You’re not alone and at Gilda’s Club Madison we have resources and programs specifically designed for you. You’ll find a diverse community of young adult cancer peers that have been there and get it. Questions? Contact to learn more!

Monthly Support Groups

All of our support groups are facilitated by a licensed mental health professional.

Young Adult Group (2nd Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 pm)

This networking group is for young adults (ages 18-45) in Wisconsin that have been diagnosed with cancer before age 40—any stage, any cancer, anywhere in your experience. This group gives young adults the opportunity to meet others similar to themselves.

Young Adult Open Group Check-in (4th Thursday of the month from 6-7 pm)

This is an additional opportunity for us to check-in with each other in a small group setting. This group is for young adults (ages 18-45) in Wisconsin that have been diagnosed with cancer before age 40—any stage, any cancer, anywhere in your experience.

Special Programs, Workshops, Speakers, and Conferences 

Past events have included wellness retreats, day long conferences, mindfulness workshops, cooking classes, hikes, and so much more.

Tough Friends Art Club

An interactive online workshop where you’ll learn about an artist and their creative process, create your own art, and meet some awesome young adult cancer friends. Plus there will be opportunities to win prizes!

This event is for young adults (ages 18-45) that have been diagnosed with cancer before age 40—any stage, any cancer, anywhere in your cancer experience.

Young Adult Game Night

Tues, Dec 17, 2024 @ 5 – 6:30 pm PT | 7 – 8:30 pm CT | 8 – 9:30 pm ET

Special guest in December: Chelsey Gomez (@Ohyouresotough)

Bi-monthly in 2025

Join us virtually for games, trivia, and social connection! Young Adults, ages 18-40, currently or previously diagnosed with cancer and Young Adult caregivers to a loved one with cancer are welcome. Join via Zoom and have a second device (tablet or cellphone) ready for trivia. No experience necessary! Opportunities for prizes!

Young Adult programs are made possible, in part, by grants from: