Adopting green technology is important to Gilda’s Club Madison and highlights our commitment to being an environmentally conscious organization. It is our hope that partners who share our values will work with us in the coming years to identify other ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint.

Solar Energy

In 2024 Gilda’s Club Madison installed solar panels to offset our electrical costs and reap a variety of other benefits. In addition to offsetting around 100% of electrical costs (and carbon impact) for our facility, the organization will see a net savings of around $192,661.

Thank you to our friends at Only In Wisconsin Giving Foundation, Glow Solar, Solar For Good, Focus on Energy, Amy Niemetscheck, and Nadeem Afghan for your support of this project.

Read more about this project on our January 2025 blog “Gilda’s Club Madison Goes Solar

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Solar panels generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases, helping to reduce negative impacts to the environment. In fact, the annual energy of 31,972 kWh that will be produced by our solar power array offsets roughly the following:
    • 55,951 miles driven by an average passenger vehicle
    • CO2 emission from burning 24,867 pounds of coal
  • Cleaner Environment: The use of solar panels helps improve air quality in our community by reducing the amount of harmful chemicals and particulates in the atmosphere. Cleaner air reduces the risk of developing lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.
  • Fewer Toxins: Fossil fuel extraction and combustion release carcinogenic substances like benzene and formaldehyde into the environment. By using solar power, the dependence on these harmful energy sources is reduced.
  • Lower Energy Bills: By generating our own electricity, Gilda’s Club Madison will nearly eliminate our electrical bills.
  • Long-term Investment and Sustainability: Solar panels can provide energy savings for many years, making it a cost-effective investment over time. In addition, solar power is a renewable energy source, contributing to long-term sustainability of the organization.
  • Stable Energy Costs: Solar energy provides predictable and stable energy costs, protecting the clubhouse from fluctuating/rising utility rates.

  • Reduced Reliance on Grid Power: Generating electricity on-site reduces dependence on external power sources and increases energy security.
  • Resilience: In case of power outages, solar panels combined with battery storage can provide a reliable backup power source.


Gilda’s Club Madison is collecting a variety of items that will be sent into TerraCycle, a company that creates opportunities to transform traditionally non-recyclable materials into new items for reuse.

TerraCycle Global Foundation’s mission is to reduce the flow of plastic waste from rivers and canals before it can reach the ocean. We’re excited to bring this program to our community!

View a full size version of the image above at this link (PDF). View more detailed information about each category of item we’re collecting here.

Drop off your clean, dry and empty items in the labeled TerraCycle bin in our entryway! 

Questions? Contact Elizabeth at or 608-828-8875.